Do you care for someone who is frail, ill or disabled? Carer Support Carlisle and Eden can help make your life easier. Please ask at reception for more information or help yourself to one of the Carers leaflets available in the reception area.
Service we offer at the Surgery
Please feel very welcome to talk to any doctor or nurse about your caring role and how you are managing – or not managing if the situation is becoming more difficult for you. Don’t worry about taking up time (a common worry for carers) – just ask for a double appointment. Please talk to us sooner rather than later – between us we might be able to prevent a crisis!
With your permission we can add you to our Practice Register of carers, and make a note on your computer medical record that you are a carer, and who for. This means that all the staff who deal with your care will know that you are a carer and will take account of that, understanding the complications it can mean for you. However you may be involved in looking after someone but not want to be actually designated as a carer for them – just tell us if you don’t want to be actually registered as a carer on your medical record.
Support organisations
Carer Support Carlisle and Eden
Carer Support Carlisle and Eden is a registered charity providing vital support to the numerous people in Eden who are caring for a loved one with a disability, degenerative condition or frailty.
Contact number: 01768 890280
Visit the Carer Support Eden website here
NHS website
Social Care & Support information can be found on the NHS website here
Carers UK
Looking after someone can be tough, but you’re not on your own. Carers UK is there to listen, to give you expert information and advice that’s tailored to your situation, to champion your rights and support you in finding new ways to manage at home, at work, or wherever you are.
Visit the Carers UK website here
The Children’s Society
A young carer is someone under 18 who cares for another person – picks up mum’s prescription, dresses dad, takes their little sister to school. Life is demanding. But they still have to study for exams, look after themselves, and not lose sight of their dreams.
We make sure young carers get the same opportunities in life as those who don’t have to care for someone. Caring shouldn’t hold them back.